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freelancer in the spotlight: Mikhail Taspinar

freelancer in de kijker

‘I turn numbers into stories’

After 10 years as an accountant, Mikhail Taspinar ventured into freelancing to accelerate his learning curve. "I now focus more on analysis and controlling. As a freelancer, I learn a lot and build a vast network. Hyphen consistently supports me through it all."

Can you elaborate on your role as a freelance financial consultant?

Mikhail: "I worked as an accountant until 2018. In my last job as an employee at Deloitte, I ventured into treasury management for the first time. Subsequently, I shifted my focus more towards analysis and controlling, which truly captivated me, prompting my transition to freelancing."

"At my previous client (Lonza), I engaged in site-controlling, which involves overseeing and monitoring the entire production process. It was new to me, but I found it immensely satisfying. It provided me with insights into the operational aspect, enabling me to better comprehend the numbers. This allowed me to explain to the client how the figures should be interpreted. The direct client interaction is something I truly value as a freelancer. Now, I interpret the numbers and craft a narrative, which I share with my colleagues.

"As a freelancer, you can quickly grow and learn new things in various sectors. [...] This is invaluable."

Mikhail Taspinar, finance interim manager

What are the current key trends in the sector?

"You can see that companies increasingly require accurate figures to anticipate changing conditions effectively. Hence, there is a need for swift adaptation. Consequently, companies more frequently demand specialized professionals."

"Moreover, there is a new generation that no longer stays with one company for their entire career. Young employees seek challenges and opportunities to learn new things. As they switch jobs more frequently, companies require specialized freelancers who can deliver results in the short term."

How did you come to know about Hyphen and why did you choose to collaborate with them?

"When I was still working at McKinsey, I met some excellent consultants who explained how freelancers can grow better, faster, and with more freedom. That got me thinking. Subsequently, through people in my network, I came across Hyphen."

"The initial discussions went smoothly. Hyphen provided me with good support and explained the pros and cons of freelancing. They also outlined how they could support and assist me. Hyphen motivated and supported me so much that I dared to take the leap."

How do you experience the collaboration in practice?

"Very positively. What strikes me the most is how closely Hyphen stands by its freelancers. They are not just an intermediary; they are always ready to provide support in your development and various practical matters."

"I haven't seen such proximity to freelancers anywhere else. Hyphen is always ready to offer support, advice, and a listening ear. This proximity reassures freelancers and instills more confidence in the collaboration with clients. Because we know that Hyphen has our back."

Would you recommend others to collaborate with Hyphen, and why?

"I would absolutely recommend collaborating with Hyphen. The expertise of the entire team, in my opinion, is unparalleled in the sector. As I mentioned earlier, they are close to their freelancers and always offer advice. Especially at the beginning of your freelance journey, this is immensely valuable. Hyphen further assists me excellently in finding new projects and supports me during the projects."

"Everyone in the Hyphen team is highly skilled and friendly. You can feel that it's a very dynamic team radiating optimism. You certainly notice this during events; you feel the positive energy. Hyphen truly feels like a big family."

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